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If you're reading this, then there is a great chance that you want to patch up your favorite game and get it working on the new version of the game. And if that is not the case, I am sorry for wasting your time! But I also hope this lovely blog will help you to understand how to get Gothic 2 running on one of the most popular games at the moment: Dwarf Fortress.As far as we know, there are no compatibility problems with these two games and each other - they seem like they were meant for it! It's just a shame we had to go through all these hassles in order to run our favorite gothic-romance-death-dungeon-RPG again. So, without further ado, here are the steps you need to follow to compatibly patch your gothic-2-returning-2.0 game with Dwarf Fortress so you can play it with your friends, family and everyone else!All of the information provided here is extracted from the official patches - links are provided for each step so you can verify them if necessary. Let's Begin!I. The Game And PatchesFrom the official website:The game installer also creates one or two files in your Windows directory, which may be useful for debugging purposes if your patch fails: DFF_1_19_Dwarf3.exe (for 1. 19) DFF_1_19_Dwarf4.exe (for 1.19) DFF_1_20_Dwarf3.exe (for 1.20)WinG:WinG:If you use the original installer and not one of the update versions, then you should follow these instructions:From the Installer:Simply install it as all other games do - you will be prompted to select a few options such as language and such, but these are all largely irrelevant to the patching process. Just accept the default choices when you are prompted.Once installed, simply run the game. You should get to a screen which looks like this:At this point, you're free to explore the world of DFC for as long as you please! Congratulations! II. The PatchesThe official 1.19 patch is available here: 1.19 Dwarf Fortress Engine Patcher 1.20 Dwarf Fortress Engine Patcher 1.20 is available here: 1.20 Dwarf Fortress Engine PatcherIII. The Scripts For Windows Vista/7/8/10 And Linux UsersThese are all provided in an . exe (executable) format, and should be installed in your "AppData" directory: 1.19 DFEnginePatcher.exe 1.20 DFEnginePatcher 1.20 also includes an installer for Linux users, but I've not had any luck with this one so all I can do is point you to the directions on the forums :)IV. Installing The ScriptsOnce you've installed all of the above files, simply double click on them to begin your patching process:Most of the options should be left at their default settings, and it just takes a little while:Once you're done, simply open the game and enjoy! Hopefully no more bugs! V.
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